Slurry Calculator Help

Below are a list of definitions for the Calculator. % volume concentration: the ratio of volume of the solids to the total volume of the mixture. % mass concentration: the ratio of the mass of the solids to the total mass of the mixture. Solids density: the ratio of the mass of the solids to its volume occupied by the solids. Note do not confuse this with bulk …

Gallons Per Minute Calculator (GPM)

This water flow rate calculator includes multiple units and converts LPM to GPM, GPM to LPM, gallons per hour to gallons per minute, and much, much more. Read …

calculate gpm water to ton of processing ore

Calculate Gpm Water To Tons Of Ore Hot Processing Gold ore concentration plant At the Gold ore Processing Plant, gols should be extracted from the ore 5 Sizing Steps For Chillers In Plastic Process Cooling Calculate tons of cooling The below guidelines and formula may be used for sizing chillers for plastic process cooling 01 tonhp How to ...

PSI to GPM Calculator

To calculate PSI from GPM and pipe diameter, proceed as follows: Calculate the cross-sectional area of the pipe using the given diameter.. Divide the flow rate measured in GPM by the area and take the square of the result.. Multiply the value from step 2 with the density of water and divide by 2.. Add the atmospheric pressure to the …

BTU Calculator & BTU Formulas For Water Circulating Heat …

Accurately measure the water temperature entering and exiting your process. Use this formula to calculate BTU cooling required: Formula. BTU = Flow Rate In GPM (of water) x (Temperature Leaving Process - Temperature Entering Process) x 500.4 *Formula changes with fluids others than straight water. BTU Calculator for Weighed Water Test

Geothermal Heat Pump GPM Requirements

If entering water temperature remains above 50° 1.5gpm is minimum to prevent freezing. If it ever falls below 50° minimum required is 2.0gpm. For rated capacity 3gpm is suggested. Interesting, their chart only shows rated capacities at 6 or 10 gpm for the 4 ton package unit. Pretty easy to calculate that stuff though.

Water Heating Calculator

where: L L L is the latent heat. If there's a transition from ice to water, we're considering the latent heat of fusion, whereas for the phase change from a liquid into steam, it's the latent heat of vaporization.; Finally, all you need to do is sum up all heat values to calculate the energy needed to heat H 2 O. For just one phase, you'll have a single …

gpm calculate gpm water to tons of ore

Ozone dosage rate into water calculator . Calculate ozone generation demand in water based on your water flow rate GPM and desired ozone dosage rate ppm to determine the required ozone production rate for your system g/hr GPM ppm g/hr ozone GPM x x 60 x ppm / 1 000 = g/hr ozone This provides ozone dosage rates into water Actual dissolved …

PPM Calculator

1 Liter of water=1,000 cm^3=1,000,000 mm^3 of water. For example, if we are finding the impurity of Arsenic in 1L of water, we would define it as 1 PPM of Arsenic is present in 1L of water. The parts per million calculator finds the impurity of Arsenic in Per liter of water. The same way we can find the amount of lead (Pb), or Arsenic (Ar ...

Water Gpm Calculator

The formula to calculate GPM based on pipe diameter (D) and velocity (V) is: GPM = (π/4) × D² × V, where D is the diameter of the pipe and V is the velocity of the water. What is the GPM of 3/8 inch pipe? The flow capacity of a 3/8 inch pipe depends on factors like pressure and pipe characteristics. A 3/8 inch pipe might handle around 1-2 ...

What is gpm in hvac

Here are the steps on how to calculate GPM for AHU: Calculate the TR using the formula TR = (GPM × Delta T)/24. This will help you find out what the GPM. Its formula is GPM =( TR×24)/Delta T where GPM is flow rate, TR is the ton of refrigeration, while Delta T refers to the temperature difference between return and supply chilled water.

Volume Flow

1 Cubic metre/second = 131981 Pounds water/minute 1 Cubic metre/second = 86400 Ton of water (metric)/24hrs. Convert between commonly used Volume Flow Units; cfm to m 3 …

GPM To Precipitation Rate Calculator

Where: PR = Precipitation Rate (in inches per hour); Q = Flow rate (in gallons per minute); A = Area covered by the irrigation system (in square feet); Example Solve. Let's say we have a sprinkler system with a flow rate of 3.5 GPM and it covers an area of 500 square feet. Using the formula mentioned above:

How to SIZE a Sluice Box

1000 gpm for a unit that's only processing a ton per hour of very fine sand and/or grindings seems unnecessary and imbalanced. We easily process several yards of gravel per hour with a 12" wide sluice box on 120 to 150 gpm. If you can't reduce water flow, I'd recommend a box in the 26" width for very fine material.

Water Cooling Capacity Calculator

Cooling Capacity (in BTU/hr) = Flow Rate (in GPM) × Temperature Difference (in °F) × 500. Where: Flow Rate: The rate at which water flows through the system in gallons per minute (GPM). Temperature Difference: The difference between the inlet and outlet water temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit (°F). 500: A constant used to convert …

lb/hr to gpm Calculator

1 lb/hr ≈ 0.0015 GPM (for steam condensate at typical conditions) 3. How do you calculate water GPM? To calculate water flow rate in gallons per minute (GPM), you need to know the volumetric flow rate in cubic feet per second (cfs) and then convert it to GPM. The formula is: GPM = (cfs * 448.831) 4.

How to Calculate BTU's on CHW System

You will need the mass flow rate and temperature differential. The formula is Q (BTU/hr) = (Mdot) (Cp) (delta-T). Mdot can be solved for if you gave a GPM value by assuming that the treated chilled water weighs about 8.33 lbm/gal. Converting gallons to mass and coverting the time to hours yields a constant of 499.

Common & Basic Formulas for Mineral Processing Calculations

Where T = tons of ore per hour. and Q = tons of added water per hour or T = tons of ore (for batch determinations) and Q = tons of added water. In both cases Dx and D2 are dilutions (tons of water per ton of ore) before and after addition of water. See more

Convert ton/hr to gal/min | tonne (water mass) per hour …

Different flow rate units conversion from tonne (water mass) per hour to gallons US per minute. Math figures of ton/hr and gal/min measurements conversion charts page. Convert 1 ton/hr into gallon US per minute or multiple tonnes (water mass) per hour to gal/min and count the other way around quantities between these two measuring units, how many …

Chilled Water Ton/Hours Calculation

12,566*62.4 lbm/cu ft = 784,141 lbm. Assuming 10°F ΔT, that's 7,841,410 Btu in storage. 7,841,410 Btu / 12,000 Btu/h/ton = 653 ton-hours. Calculation above does not take any losses into account, nor the fact that you can't get back of the energy you spent in cooling it, nor any allowance for decreasing effectiveness of heat exchangers as ...

Cooling Tower Capacity Calculator

For example, if the water flow rate is 100 gallons per minute and the temperature difference is 10 degrees Fahrenheit, the calculation would be as follows: CTC = (500 * 100 * 10) / 12,000 = 41.67 tons. This means that the cooling tower capacity is …

Flow Rate Calculator | Good Calculators

This flow rate calculator uses flow velocity and cross-sectional flow area data to determine the volumetric flow rate of liquid. You can calculate the flow rate in five simple steps: Select the shape of the cross-section of the channel. Input all the measurements required to compute the cross-sectional area. Input the average velocity of the flow.

calculate gpm water to ton of processing ore

gpm calculate gpm water to tons of ore . Cooling water flow rate required for injection mould. 19 08 2014 Reynolds Number is 3600XGPM Cooling line diam KV where KV is kinetic viscosity but an approach normally used on the field is Water Flow required in GPM=3 5 Internal diam of water line With this approach if cooling line has an internal …

3000 Gallons (US liquid) to Tons (Water) | 3000 gal (US) to ton …

Convert 3000 Gallons (US liquid) to Tons (Water) ( gal (US) to ton wtr) with our conversion calculator and conversion tables. To convert 3000 gal (US) to ton wtr use direct conversion formula below. 3000 gal (US) = 11.3 ton wtr.

GPM (gallons/min) Calculator

Where GPM is the gallons per minute; X is the number of seconds it takes to fill one gallon; To calculate gallons per minute, simply divide 60 by the number of seconds it takes to fill one gallon. GPM Definition. GPM is defined as the rate of flow of water in gallons per minute.

Calculate Slurry Flow / Volume

An example of how you can calculate the slurry flow/volume of a given SG, %Solids and Tonnage. EXAMPLE: 3,400 tons of dry solids is processed in 24 hours in water with a specific gravity of 1.0 and the …

Convert gal/min to ton/min. | gallon US per minute to …

flow rate units conversion. Amount: 1 gallon US per minute (gal/min) of flow rate. Equals: 0.0038 tonnes (water mass) per minute (ton/min.) in flow rate. Converting gallon US per …

Chiller and Tower Sizing Formulas

Cooling Tower = 3 Gallons per Minute per ton; 1 Tower Ton = 15,000 BTU/hr; Tower Ton = GPM x ΔT/30; CHILLER SYSTEM DESIGN; Chiller = 2.4 Gallons per Minute / ton; 1 ChillerTon = 12,000 BTU / hr; Chiller Ton = GPM x ΔT / 24; LOAD SIZING FOR INJECTION MOLDING APPLICATIONS : MATERIAL; 30# / hr H.D. Polyethylene = 1 ton; 35# / hr …

calculate gpm water to tons of ore

A copper ore is to be leached with water in a single stage. 350 tons of copper ore containing 22% by mass copper sulfate and 78% by mass insoluble inert is leached with 1000 tons of water. If inert will retain tons of water per ton inert, calculate the amount (tons) of the resulting solution. Express your answer in whole number. Get Price

calculate gpm water to ton of processing ore

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