Overcoming the challenges of blocked chute …

Primary crusher crash boxes, conveyors, transfer lines, inlet/outlet chutes and inlet hoppers can all be prone to blocking, bridging or jamming, resulting in severe site problems. These include: Lost …


In some cases, damage from inferior components has been seen within the first few months of installation and resulted in significant unplanned expenses for production and repair. Weba Chute Systems, on the other hand, are specifically designed to control the flow of material being transferred, resulting in high equipment availability of 90 …

Wear linings for crusher discharge vaults

Traditional crusher discharge chutes, vaults and octagonals are a challenge to protect with wear liners and can be even more difficult to maintain and repair. ... Each individual liner can be easily handled and installed with replaceable fasteners for each new installation. Results. Shorter and safer maintenance. These features will typically ...

Ceramic Lining Systems

With over 35 years of expert experience designing and producing ceramic linings, Corrosion Engineering's ceramic liners are well-known and trusted for their ability to reduce costs, achieve longer service life, improve safety, reduce maintenance and maximize availability. Liner packages are custom-designed by Corrosion Engineering …

Construction Working and Maintenance of Crushers …

accomplished within the crusher. Choke Feed Operating the crusher with a completely filled crushing chamber. Choking Stoppage of the flow of material through the crusher, which is usually due to the wet and sticky material clogging exit points. Circulating Load The amount of oversize material returned back to the crusher from a screen in a closed

Construction Working and Maintenance of Crushers for …

Crushers for Bulk Materials. Crushers and breakers are used to reduce size of mined and quarried material for further processing or to size suitable for the intended end use. …


START WITH CHUTE DESIGN TO REDUCE DUST, SAYS WEBA. January 23rd, 2023 Weba Chute Systems & Solutions. Many industrial facilities, mines and power stations rely too much on dust suppression and extraction systems, when the real answer is to improve the flow of material through well designed chutes. This is the considered …

Chutes & Boxes | Mining | Material Handling

Corrosion Engineering designs various types of chutes and boxes customized to customer specifications, designed to minimize wear to both the chute and downstream equipment. We build discharge chutes, …

DEM-based design of feed chute to improve performance …

Normally, belt conveyors are used to feed the ore to the crushers. When the material is moved on conveyors, through chutes and in bins, segregation occurs immediately (Quist and Evertsson, 2010). ... Image analyzes of the material retained on the screen after crusher (a) before installation of the new feed chute (b) after installation …

Weba Chute Systems Supplies Custom Transfer Chute to …

Weba Chute Systems incorporates transfer chutes that have been custom-designed and engineered to suit specific applications, with optimized plant design that considers each element within the process flow. This global best practice ensures that each Weba Chute System is designed to maximize efficiency and reduce maintenance costs.

Hydraulic-Powered Pre-crusher/Compactors HEAVY …

All funnels, hoppers, chutes and security chutes should be mounted to the pre- crusher/compactor with low hydrogen rod welds; smaller units may be bolted securely …


February 6th, 2023 Weba Chute Systems & Solutions. The expansion of an underground crusher station at a platinum mine in Zimbabwe has required South Africa-based Weba Chute Systems to provide 10 more of its …


A Limpopo platinum mine was struggling to monitor and maintain the lining on one of its most important chutes – which took run-of-mine ore from the concentrator plant's primary crusher. A breakthrough idea from Weba Chute Systems now allows liner inspections to take place quickly, easily and at any time during production.


Transfer chute wear life measurement, an intricate process involving meticulous tracking of multiple components, is essential for enhancing uptime in materials handling applications — a direct contributor to operational efficiency. Izak Potgieter, Quality Systems Engineer at Weba Chute Systems, says that in its relentless pursuit of …

Industry Learns The Complexity Of Chute Design – The Hard …

"For instance, there were a number of global players who started producing chutes about 20 years ago; most had to withdraw from this activity to refocus on the areas of strength." This highlights the widespread perception in the mining sector that anyone can build a transfer chute, says Baller, and that the construction is little more than ...


With the cumulative technical experience from 5 000 custom-designed chutes installed around the world, Weba Chute Systems delivers long-term value and quick payback times. According to Mark Baller, managing director of Weba Chute Systems, most of his company's chutes can deliver a full return on investment within 18 months. …


To address this challenge, we line chutes with ceramic tiles that assist in maintaining proper material flow control. Our custom designs are configured to incorporate the best belt-cleaning arrangement and the ideal belt type and size selection to eliminate spillage and improve productivity.

Wear lining solutions for any need

Installed in chutes, spouts, hoppers, transfer points and other applications subjected to wear, wear linings protect the assets and ... Combining the right parts with optimized installation methods, tools and services makes all the difference in your results and the safety of your people. DEM simulations Our simulation software

Below the surface: Setting up an underground …

The installation also calls for chutes and other bypass arrangements, which may hinder maintenance access. In an …

Best Practice Design, Maintenance and Troubleshooting …

7.3 General transfer chute design considerations 211 7.4 Design principles for chutes 211 7.5 Recommendations on chute design 214 7.6 Special chute design 215 7.7 Software …

Sampler Chutes

Weba's Sampler Chutes are custom designed with the highest-quality materials and backed by exceptional customer service to continually meet all your transfer point needs. You'll enjoy safer, more cost-effective, eco-friendly, and efficient transfer systems with: Optimum material flow. Up to an 80% decrease in material degradation.


Today, Weba's 300+ talented employees — including engineers, designers, planners, draftsmen, and procurement and management professionals, along with Weba's in-house manufacturing staff and site maintenance personnel — serve hundreds of clients around the world with the best chute systems on the market.

Conveyor Transfer Chute Level Monitoring

Level Technology Choice: Tilt Switch, Admittance Probe, Microwave Switch, Pressure Plate, Vibration Switch, Acoustic Low Frequency through Beam Switch. Blocked chute detection in a Mining process application is crucial to the operational performance of the site. Hours lost to downtime caused by a blockage in a conveyor transfer chute can take ...


With numerous successful Weba Chute System installations in the diamond-mining industry, we have proved that our scientific approach to the dynamics of bulk materials handling can eliminate the problems associated with conventional transfer chutes. This practice provides significant cost savings in the diamond-mining industry.

Steel Making

The Weba Chute can present the material in an even spread at the feed end of the screen. The custom-engineered chutes have also eliminated the dead zones at the back of the screen deck resulting in improved screen efficiency. Our chutes at Isdemir are good examples of engineered transfer points lowering operational costs. We encourage end …


Custom engineered chutes are scientifically designed and simulated prior to manufacturing by Weba Chute Systems to give customers optimal uptime – but the company has also innovated ways to keep these transfer points well maintained. Channeling the flow of mined material is among the most onerous tasks on any mine, …

installation of chutes crusher-RoyalPak Systems Linen Chutes

attempting to install discharge chutes on the Classifiers at the L8 Crusher. This order is issued to assure the safety of all persons at this operation; it prohibits all activity (with the exception of lowering the suspended load with the crane) at the L8 Classifiers, related conveyors, and the Grove Crane.

Crushing Plant Design and Layout Considerations

There are three main steps in designing a good crushing plant: process design, equipment selection, and layout. The first two are dictated by production requirements …

3D Scanning Technology Leveraged In Custom Design Of Chutes

Local manufacturer of custom transfer points and chute systems, Weba Chute Systems & Solutions has leveraged the latest technology to ensure high quality results for its global customer base. Managing director Mark Baller explains that using three-dimensional (3D) scanning technology during on-site assessments has enhanced …


Its status has definitely changed for the better." Weba Chute Systems factory in Wadeville. He adds that maintenance, including the supply of parts, used to constitute 15 to 20 % of Weba Chute Systems' business. This rose to 45 % during the pandemic period although it has now dropped to around the 40 % level, reflecting the fact that Weba's ...

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